Friday, February 7, 2014

150 DAYS!! Ireland and Scotland, here come the southerners!!!

The excitement is building!! Dr. Benton has 12 students in her general education class which will allow them to get three hours credit and a travel stipend!! Lucky students!

I had such a great time with the students that went with us to Italy and Greece so I can't wait to meet and get to know a new group of Reddies!! One couple got engaged, one lost her luggage and never complained, and some of our girls were being stalked by Greek men on our overnight ferry ride but I stalked them back and gave them the mama stink-eye which crosses all language barriers!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hey Reddie Travelers!!! Only 152 days to departure!!! I hope you have your passport ready!!

La Fortuna Waterfall

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reddie Travelers are Costa Rica bound for Spring Break 2015!!!

Have you ever wanted to explore a rain forest, see a volcano erupt, sit on a quiet beach, or meet interesting people?

March 19-27, 2015 is the time to do all of these things and more! the Reddie Travelers will be heading out to beautiful Costa Rica for an adventure of a lifetime. We will be making stops in San Jose, Arenal, Monteverde, Coastal Puntarenas, and Manuel Antonio. This tour will include everything from the big city to the mountains and beach. We will have a tour guide, accommodations and all of your meals except a few lunches are included. The only worry you will have is what picture to take and if you really want to go home.

Join us! For more information log on to and use the tour code: Benton-4943 or contact me!!